Virgo New Moon 🌑♍️ You are the only one responsible for making your dreams come true.
Hello witches & dreamers!
This Virgo new moon is happening September 2nd 2024, peaking at 9:55pm est. Virgo is a Mercury ruled earth sign, and in our body governs our abdomen, intestines, lower liver, alimentary canal, and our spleen.
✨New Moons: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
Signs that will be most affected: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius placements.
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into the overall energy and what is coming up with this new moon. You can watch that video here ⤵️
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 222, 444, 555, 999, 1111, 717
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
This Virgo new moon started off with the Ace of Wands; new ideas, new sparks of inspiration, new insights, new burst of energy, new potential! We also had the King of Pentacles at the bottom of the deck signaling to me that this inspiration will involve reexamining how we are managing our resources: particularly our time/money/energy. With the first Ace being from the Wands suit, I would suggest spending some extra time connecting with your spiritual practices: mediation, self-readings, etc… I feel like some spark of insight will be coming from your higher self/spiritual team around this time. There will be a need to ensure we are tending to our emotions while not letting ourselves get stuck in analysis paralysis.
Virgo is an earth sign, grounded and organized, whereas Pisces, Virgos sister sign, is more dreamy and ungrounded. Since our New Moon is in Virgo and our Full Moon will be in Pisces, this cycle will be about blending these energies. In short, this means we’ll be working to bring our dreams to reality, without getting too stuck on “what’s realistic.” This is a time to examine what is important to you, and why, as we will be pushed to prioritize. We have these new ideas and inspiration, and we will need to find a way to ground this dream without taking away the essential parts of it that light you up.
We had the Ace of Pentacles rv, the Page of Wands rv, Ace of Cups rv, all peak through. Signaling to that need to work on our confidence and courage to make this dream come true. This could be as simple as someone wanting to go on a Vacation, and needing to rearrange some things in our life so we can make that happen. Prioritization. Saving money. Etc. Overall making a more solid plan to help us map out our way to our desired destination.
Then the Ace of Swords came out, bringing all the Aces out. The Ace of Cups and Pentacles were in reverse while the Ace of Swords and Wands were upright. I see this as a lot of mental energy, a lot of internal insight coming through, and needing to work through a few emotional and physical blocks before we can manifest this outcome. The 8 of Swords reversed followed, reinforcing that need to get a hold on our limiting beliefs and our critical or degrading self-talk. This is where that over-analysis can paralyze us. We can get stuck in a loop of thinking we can’t make this happen, or that everything is working against us.
This moon will really highlight to us the role we are playing in our own suffering. We can’t control external elements, (not very much at least), but we can control how we react and what decisions we make as a result. For example, if someone hurt us, and then we just brushed it off and forgave them, then they hurt us again… we need to recognize how us not enforcing our boundaries has led us to these dynamics. (NOTE: I am not talking about DA situations!).
When we go through these situations, we are inadvertently breaking our own self-trust. You are subconsciously showing yourself that your needs or feelings don’t matter when you let things slide, or when you don’t follow through on your word. This all compiles and leads us to have a negative/mistrusting mindset: “no one cares about me,” “I’m not important,” “Things never work out for me…”
This energy is pushing us to examine where we are on the spectrum of empowerment vs victimhood. Do we have enough confidence and trust that we will be able to handle situations that come our way, or are we on the side where we feel like everything happens TO us, and that we have no control over what happens.
Try to look at yourself with an objective view, as if you were your own therapist. Try to recognize that hardships are not reflective of your character, and that you as a person still have the ability to make shifts and make decisions to help you cope or get out of this situation. What practical steps can you take to change your life? This is that element of grounding our dreams. Especially the bigger they are, the harder they may feel to achieve. Break it down as small as you need to. What steps can you take? Is there someone you can reach out to for help? Resources available?
We had the 9 of Pentacles reversed, furthering that feeling of not being able to depend on ourselves. We may be feelings like we can’t be independent and can’t take care of ourselves. We may be lingering on feelings from a recent situation that are furthering the intensity of this self-mistrust. Our comfort and our security have been shaken up, and now we are left clean up the aftermath. This is when we should turn our focus to our priorities, figuring out what is most important for us right now. How are you taking care of yourself, and not letting yourself get stuck in a loop of self-pity?
We still need to let those emotions flow, but I feel we are getting hung up on them. We may be thinking if we let this go, then we let the peruurtrater “get away” with what happened. This is not the case, and it is not our duty to enact justice. Come back to yourself, and nurture yourself and your inner child.
If this is money orientated, I highly recommend looking for resources that can help. Whether you need to apply for aid, or pause a subscription for a bit.
A lot of this boils down to us needing to save ourselves. We are accepting that no savior is coming to take away all of our problems. We are our own savior. We are the only ones that can make these things happen for us. Reparenting and inner child work are a highlight here: what are you teaching your inner child with your actions? Are you committed to yourself? Are you speaking kindly and compassionately to yourself?
You are the only one responsible for making your dreams come true. You are the only one who can change how you show up for yourself. You are your own savior. And this doesn’t mean we need to be critical of the ways we’ve let ourselves down in the past, forgive yourself and work to do better.
The oracle card themes were Let Go, Be Fearless, and Transformation.
This new moon really is bringing in big hopes and dreams, and we are being ushered to let our fears go, let that negative self-talk be replaced by kinder more encouraging words, and let yourself transform. As we are moving into eclipse season and the end of the year, try to step up for yourself. It’s okay if it’s scary, it’s okay if you don’t have all the confidence or courage you wish, take these steps towards this new life and these things will begin to unfold naturally. Let go of your unrealistic expectations, and let yourself BE and follow what lights you up! We are shedding our old selves, the people pleaser self, the timid self… and we are going to emerge a new person. This is an emotional process, so make sure you do not try to skip over those feelings. Let them flow. Welcome in these shifts! You will be glad you did.
THEMES: Let Go, Be Fearless, Transformation, (+ Emotions)
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back and see if these themes have been present and reoccurring for us. Previous full moon in Virgo: February 24 2024, & the previous new moon in Virgo: September 14 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy and enlightening new moon ♡
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