Virgo Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse Tarot Reading

Virgo Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse Tarot Reading

Hey witches! This Virgo Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse is happening March 14th, 2025, peaking at 2:54 am est. 

I did a collective tarot reading on this Full Moon to see what was coming up, & what kind of themes this full moon is bringing to our lives. You can watch that video here ⤵️

Full Moons: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.

Eclipses: time of transformation, “portal” like energy, disruptive, good time to connect with Higher Self, time for growth + opportunities, may be uprooted or surprised. 

Signs most affected: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces

Sorry this week's summary is just some key highlights from the reading. I'm a bit too tired and busy prepping for my first show next weekend to type it all out!

-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-

Just get started, no matter how much you feel like you need to get in order before you start. Start now! You can build as you go. This is something your heart has been pulling you towards for a while now. Release the self-doubts and fears keeping you from making moves, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone. Follow your passion. Get out of planning paralysis. Take it a couple steps at a time, find your balance. Notice what resources you do have on hand. Work with what you got. 

Hope, Patience, Communication
11 Awaken, 272 Confidence, 000 New Beginnings, 777 Luck


As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. The last NEW moon in Virgo was September 2, 2024. The last FULL moon in Virgo was February 24, 2024. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.

I hope you have an easy full moon ♡

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