VIRGO FULL MOON 🌕♍️| Have strength and move forward!
✨Hello dreamers! The Full Moon in Virgo is happening this Saturday February 24, 2024 at 7:30am EST.
I did a tarot reading on the energies of this Full Moon in the collective, looking into:
- What this full moon bringing up for the collective?
- What needs released?
- Oracle card pulls on what the collective should specifically be focusing on during this full moon in Leo.
You can watch that full video here 🌕♍️
✨Full Moon keywords: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.
This Virgo full moon comes after a very interesting (and potentially intense) Aquarius new moon 2 weeks ago. If you want to review the themes that came up during the new moon, you can read my blog post about it here.
One of the themes that came up then, that I feel are coming to a culmination with this Virgo full moon, are about releasing beliefs/spaces/people/relationships that you've outgrown. The reading for this Virgo full moon felt very much like a "stay or go" battle-- and I do feel that relationships/friendships are being affected the most. For some, it may be a more mental release or reevaluation about your career or living situation.
This Virgo full moon feels like it's really nudging us to take action, and to have strength as we navigate these tough transitions. There is also an element of 'alchemy' that I feel is coming up a lot... practicing radical acceptance of your current situation, and figuring out how to turn it into something that work for you. Sidenote: I saw a tweet recently discussing how to transmute/alchemize your energy to work for you based on your mars sign. You can read that tweet here, it was a really good thread that I think applies to this reading!
I'm not trying to say that it won't be hard, and that we should just "be grateful" for the difficulties-- but I am trying to tell you that if you make the hard moves and take those steps outside of your comfort zone now, it will pay off down the line. We had the Ace of Pentacles pop up after the 8 of Cups in reverse, signalling to me that if we can get past this "ugh should I really do this..." energy, and step a lil more into our confidence and listen to what our intuition has been trying to tell us... we will be much happier 6 months from now.
I say 6 months from now because of the Aquarius new moon reading-- where I pulled the Blue Moon oracle card and came to find out that the Blue Moon this year will be in 6 months and also in Aquarius (Aug 19). That told me that this is a major seed planting time period, time to make shifts, and to start releasing things so we can welcome in this new fruitful cycle.
Alright... I'm gonna stop here. If you want to here the rest, check out my Virgo full moon reading linked above. If you'd like a personal reading to find out the details of how this moon is personally affecting you, you can book that here.
Possibly Relevent Angel Numbers:
✨As always, I suggest looking at the previous new/full moon cycles in this sign to see if any themes have been reoccurring. The last NEW moon in Virgo was September 15th 2023. The last FULL moon in Virgo was March 18 2023. 👀
- Happy Full Moon Dreamers!