Virgo First Quarter Moon 🌓 What's coming up?

Virgo First Quarter Moon 🌓 What's coming up?

First Quarter Moon in Virgo, what’s coming up?⤵️🌓♍️

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✿ First Qtr Moons are usually when challenges or resistance your new moon intentions begin to come up. The energy is building towards to full moon, so things start to get a bit frenzied, & we may be faced with making adjustments or taking extra time to ground ourselves.

♥ This reading shows that we may have rushed into our goals and then hit a bit of a wall of resistance… I do feel like a lot of this is our OWN resistance/mentality that is pulling up all the worst case scenarios, or what ifs, etc etc….causing us to lose sight of what it is we’re going after.

✿ Due to this, our goals might be feeling really far away, and we’re asking ourselves how are we possibly going to get there? Our challenge is to find pleasure/satisfaction in the journey now. If we pin all our happiness on an end result, we won’t be able to sustain that fulfillment for long, because even if we were to reach the goal today we’d be wondering what’s next tomorrow.

♥ So how can you find balance along the way? How can you quiet the what ifs and find pleasure in the journey? The bigger the goal, the more energy it will take, and we need to find a way to sustain ourselves to get there.

✿ Scarcity mindset is not only about money. We can have a scarcity mindset around all areas of our lives: “I don’t have enough time/money/energy/skills/friends/etc.” If we linger in a mindset of lack for too long we can fall into a pessimistic cycle, & then we may give up on our goals before ever truly getting started.

♥ Thats why it’s so important to find things to be grateful for along the way. The more we can shift into an optimistic mindset, the more we will be able to recognize opportunities & resources, & be creative.

✿ These things take time. So remind yourself you have that time, & try to sink into finding fulfillment in the present moment, & knowing it is building to your desired outcome.

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