TAURUS NEW MOON ♉️🌑 | Get centered, illusions fading, making decisions for us...

TAURUS NEW MOON ♉️🌑 | Get centered, illusions fading, making decisions for us...

This Taurus new moon is happening May 7th 2024, peaking at 11:21 PM est. Taurus is a Venus ruled earth sign, which also rules our throat/neck, vocal cords, thyroid, & metabolic system in our bodies.

I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into:

  • What is the overall energy of this New Moon?
  • What are we moving towards with this energy?
  • & what are the main lessons/themes coming up?

RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 1111, 333, 555, 777

You can watch the tarot video here ⤵️

The General Info:
New Moon keywords: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.

-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-

To be honest the reading for this New Moon kind of surprised me, I was expecting it to be a bit lighter sine Venus just entered Taurus— but we do have a LOT of Taurus energy going on now besides that. The Sun is in Taurus, along with Jupiter + Uranus who recently were conjunct… so we have a lot of different planetary energies mixing into this New Moon energy.

What really interested me was the amount of secrecy that came through in this reading. We the overall energy off with the 7 of Cups + 7 of Swords, both cards that can allude to illusions, lies, secrecy, or generally not seeing things clearly. We also had The Devil lingering at the bottom of the deck, further alluding to someone being dishonest and trying to highlight the good side without letting you consider the other factors. More of that “rose colored glasses” kind of energy when it comes to our relationships, jobs, etc.

If someone seems to be trying to sell you something that just seems a little too good to be true, then please make sure you are gathering all the facts before you commit to moving forward. Take your time. Make sure you KNOW what it is that you want, the more you know what it is you truly want, the easier it will be for you to notice what is not aligned with that.

I do feel like for the majority of you this will show up in our relationships, romantic, familial, and friendships. There is going to be a need to recognize your needs and make sure that your relationships are meeting your expectations, this may mean you need to pull back and be with yourself to get your mind cleared enough to hear these subtle cues.

When looking at what we are moving towards with this energy, self care was a big theme. How in touch are we with ourselves? Do we know what we’re needing? Are we in need of connection, or more alone time? Are we in need of more stimulation/exploration? These are things we can only figure out when we separate ourselves from all the chatter and noise that is clouding our judgement.

I do feel like there is going to be an event that will trigger a new perspective towards whoever/whatever this is about for us… Someone may say something, or have done something, that we are going to find out about and realize they are not exactly who we thought they were. More of that “rose colored glasses” coming off. People will be exposing themselves, and it will likely shake things up and probably hurt our feelings if we didn’t see it coming. The curtain will drop and then we will be expected to move accordingly to what we have now learned…

Things are going to start clicking into place. Endings are heavy in this energy-- now that doesn’t have to mean break ups/cut offs, but there is definitely going to be distance needed. We will be adjusting our boundaries and how much we interact with certain people. We need to pull back and LISTEN TO OUR GUT! Do not ignore the signs your intuition is sending you! Do not ignore the red flags! 

If we want new things to enter our lives, if you want peace and better relationships, we need to make room for them to show up… We need to get really in tune with our heart and our desires, and start to notice what is in our lives that is not helping us get there. 

Some advice for this heavy energy is to get creative. While you are pulling back into yourselves, you may begin to realize how you’ve been doing things for other people for awhile now— especially if you are an entrepreneur/have a creative business. Now is a time to just do things for you, not to impress anyone, not to please them— just something for you to enjoy doing.

Big decisions will be needed to be made, and things may clear up as we move towards the next Full Moon in 2 weeks, so don’t feel pressured to have the answers now, but know that it is lingering. Making no new choice is still a choice— you are deciding to stay where you’re at, so really think about if you’re satisfied with your life right now. Coming back to the 7 of Cups energy— make sure you are really thinking things through before you make these decisions, that you are getting objective perspectives from trusted people, and getting away from all the noise so you can really get in touch with yourself.

Be sure to take care of yourselves. You know you deserve more. These challenges are not personal attacks, they are helping you realize that you are growing and deserve to have more aligned people/places/things around you.

THEMES: Communication, Be Still, Cosmic Connection


As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back and see if these themes have been present and reoccurring for us. The last FULL moon in Taurus was October 28 2023. The last NEW moon in Taurus was May 19 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.


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