SCORPIO FULL MOON | What message are you sending yourself?

SCORPIO FULL MOON | What message are you sending yourself?

The Full Moon in Scorpio is happening TODAY Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 7:48pm EST. This is also our FIRST Scorpio full moon that isn't an eclipse since 2021. 👀♏️

In my collective video, I look into:
 What this full moon bringing up for the collective?
- What needs released?
- Oracle card pulls on what the collective should specifically be focusing on during this full moon

Watch that HERE ⤵️

Full Moon keywords: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.

-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡- 

Feeling frustrated, delayed, feeling like we’re hitting a wall, wanting to push forward but feeling blocked by something. Commitment being tested.

Energy bubbling under the surface, lots of pressure building, not channeling it in a conductive way to our life. Feeling like we cannot express ourselves fully/truly. Are our relationships supporting us? Fearing failure and change. Surrounded by unreliable relationships. Feeling like you have to keep proving yourself to get what you want in return. Recognize where you are settling for breadcrumbs and not letting yourself want true connection.

Support starts with yourself. Are you being loving to yourself? Are you supporting YOURSELF physically, emotionally, spiritually? You set the standard for the kind of treatment you allow from other people. If you wouldn’t want your friend to treat themselves that way, why would you let yourself do it to yourself?

This may mean adjustments and changes are needed. Where can we allow ourselves to let loose a little more, and where can we be a bit more structured? Are there people in your life making it hard to be caring to yourself? Do you keep ending up in situations that cause you to defend yourself and feel on guard? 

Are you continuing to make excuses for the people around you? Are you looking at the situation with rose-colored-glasses, letting nostalgia and the desire to see the best in people keep you stuck in a cycle? When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM! When we’re attached to people, we can get stuck remembering the “good times,” or thinking that just because they hurt someone else badly, doesn’t mean they’ll do it to us… 

Try to take a step back and view your situation objectively… Imagine your situation is happening to your best friend or someone you care very much about. Would you like to see them allowing these things to continue? Wouldn’t you wish them to see their worth and find someone/places that see them for who they are?

The 3 of Swords has been lingering in the background of every collective I have done for the past few months… There is a lot of hurt/heartbreak energy we keep holding onto and not allowing us to process it and open up to new people/situations. This is sending us into a protective shell, sealing ourselves off from potentially getting hurt again.

Unfortunately, we cannot avoid getting hurt. To love is to be vulnerable. I know that may not be what we want to hear, but the more we accept that it isn’t a personal failure of ours, and rather a part of our messy human lives, the easier we will be able to move forward.

You KNOW the answer… it’s in you. You have gotten the intuitive nudges, the message that you need to move differently, but part of you is holding yourself back, blurring the messages and getting into a loop of indecision. You have so much potential, take that leap and trust that you know what is best for you, and that there are people out there that will value you.

Question to reflect on: What message are you sending to yourself with what you’ve been allowing in your life?

FOCUSES: Hope, Integrity, Shine

Relevant Angel Numbers: 333, 111, 1111, 444, 222, 777, 999


As always, I like to mention the previous NEW/FULL moons in the current moons sign so that you can look back and see if any reoccurring themes have been coming up for you this past year.... 
- Last Scorpio NEW moon: November 13th 2023
- Last Scorpio FULL moon (+lunar eclipse): May 5th 2023


Happy full moon everyone~ ADreamingWitch

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