Sagittarius First Qtr Moon Reading | Balancing optimism vs. realism
Hello witches! Today is the first quarter moon in Sagittarius. I did a reading for this first quarter moon, looking into what is coming up for the collective. You can find that video below!
To save time, instead of writing out a summary as I usually do for Full/New moons, I am going to copy paste the transcript from the video below, in case you prefer to read it rather than watch it. I apologize if some of the transcript translated oddly, I don't have the energy to go back and edit it today. I hope you understand!
-♡-♡-♡- READING TRANSCRIPT -♡-♡-♡-
hello everyone this is going to be a reading
for the first quarter moon
in Sagittarius happening September 11th, 2024
and if you are unfamiliar with first quarter moons
they are the midway point
from the new moon to the full moon
where the moon is half lit
moving towards the full moon
the First quarter moon is traditionally uh
involved with using our discernment
as we are building energy to the full moon using um
discernment and grounding
where we may be facing
some resistance to the things that we
set in motion during the new moon
and with this reading
we're just gonna look at what's coming up
for the collective
anything we need to know and we're not
so this first quarter moon is happening in Sagittarius
our new moon was in Virgo
and our next full moon will be a lunar eclipse
in Pisces so traditionally
Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by Jupiter
in modern astrology
Pisces is ruled by Neptune
the traditional astrology they share a roller
so I think it's interesting to have these two
in the same cycle here
I think
there will definitely be a focus on using discernment
and using optimism in that discernment
you know where we being blindly hopeful and where we
where our hopes like somewhat back to
you know
that doesn't mean you need to have concrete evidence
but you know not just being totally delusional I guess
all right but let's get into what is coming up
with this first quarter moon in Sagittarius
what is coming up with this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
what is coming up with this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
alright we have the ace of wands reversed
and for the new moon we have the ace of wands upright
those seeds that you may have been planting
since the New Moon and Virgo
a week ago
and things that you were trying to set in motion
may be feeling a bit delayed
a little derailed maybe losing some of that inspiration
we have Temperance at the bottom here
which is the Sagittarius card as well
so there is a need to balance things out
there is a need to kind of get back on your feet
and level things out you may have went in really gun ho
and kind of burnt your energy out
I know that
I think that was a warning in the new moon and Virgo
reading so with the Temperance card down here
with this ace of wands up top
there is definitely this
just need to kind of rebalance where you're at
rebalance that spark of inspiration
that spark of insight that you got
kind of play around with it a little bit more
not taking it too seriously
I think that is um
one of the downfalls that could have came with
the Virgo side of the new moon
is that we can get really analytical about it
and get really um
like analysis paralysis where we don't know what to do
because we're so stuck on all the different outcomes
all the different ways that things could go
so we're gonna have to
get a little bit more playful with this energy
I think bring a little bit more fun back into it
bringing back that um
that spark of what you wanted this thing for
in the first place
what was so interesting about it to you
what what made it an ace of wands to you
what part of it was lighting you up
what area was it you know stirring up
um and playing around with that yeah
we got the six of swords behind that
and I just kind of tells me
we have some mental stuff
that we're gonna be working through
while we're doing this um
and the seven of wands up top
maybe a little bit of physical push back
maybe a bit of defensiveness
people judging what we are doing and like I said
coming back to this Temperance card
where we are balancing things out
where we are playing with the mixtures
the prioritization
figuring out how we can best manage um
bringing this into our reality
while also keeping the things that are important to us
like maybe you're trying to start a new job
or some kind of new
entrepreneur endeavor or just anything new
a new hobby you know whatever
whatever brings this fiery
exciting energy to you
needing to figure out how you can prioritize
the other important things in your life
like your relationships like your family
your you know
your friendships
and everything else that goes on with that
so what else can we say about this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
there is also a need not to get derailed by delays
um come on
I know it's easy you know
whenever things start going a little wonky
we might wanna like think um
this means this isn't for us or something
I think this is kind of signaling that
this is a more internal process
it's not necessarily that it's not for you
but it will stir up those feelings of uh
it's not being for you but it's more
so you just gotta push through
and you gotta figure out that balance
sorry my hair is like stuck to me
all right
what else can we say about this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
all right we have the 6 of cups reverse here
and Temperance is actually back on the bottom
in reverse so both of these being in reverse
I'm feeling like this is definitely
hanging on to a past version of yourself like
feeling like you're letting your old self down somehow
whether that's like literally your old self
or the people places
and things that your old self was associated with
by moving towards these new things
and we're getting stuck in like a nostalgic loop
we're getting stuck in repeating behaviors
and thought loops that don't serve us anymore
that don't help us
that are not helping us find the balance
we are getting like too sucked into it
you know Temperance and reverse can signal and excess
you know because being a Sagittarius cards
Sagittarius being ruled by Jupiter
Jupiter being abundance and expansion
sometimes that's that's a neutral thing
that can be an excess in negative thinking
which I think we're having here with this negative
like loops of feelings
where we're getting stuck in that nostalgic area
and not even necessarily nostalgic in the way that like
you're thinking of fond memories
though that might be part of it for some of you
I think it's more so we're using our emotional history
of how things have played out
to kind of guide where we're going
and that's not very helpful
because the past is the past
we can't really change what happened the past
but we can change the future
we do not have to let things reoccur
and we do not have to do the same things
as we used to do we don't have to react the same
we don't have to take the same steps
um I shared a quote
I can't remember what it was exactly
but it was
it was something about the past not defining you
you know
you can't stop the things that happened the past
and you don't have to let them happen again
in the future
and I think we're just getting stuck in that loop
yeah alright
we got strength here
so this is definitely like a wounded area
somewhere that stirs up some tough feelings
that were diving a little too deep into
and we got the 3 of cups here
so this might be a friendship thing that has uh
stirred up like
I know this year has been heavy on relationships
cause the South Node and Libra
and the North Node and Aries
but there is definitely been
a call to lean towards your support of friendships
and we may be highlighted right now
while we're trying to move towards this
ace of wands energy
we may be reminiscing on the old friendships
that we used to be able to lean on
and kind of just feeling a little bit
down in the dumps
that we don't still have that support system
but there is another support system out there
there are other people to connect with um
you may need to connect with new people
and I know that can be scary
the same people from our childhood
are kind of rarely
the people that we go forward with forever
um you know
some people are lucky that way
but but not always
sometimes we have to make new friends along the way
especially as we grow and develop
if our friend group is not growing
and developing in similar ways
we're gonna start to drift apart somehow
all right anything else
deck does not seem to want to shuffle today
I think I need to flex the cards back out
what else for this first full moon in Sagittarius
and I do feel like this Pisces
eclipse is gonna hit harder
the more you're resisting these things
cause I'm thinking subconscious stuff is kind of
part of that 6 of cups energy
this is the sun and Scorpio card and Scorpio
I'm a Scorpio Sun
and Scorpio is definitely one of those signs that like
holds onto things this is fixed sign
may hold on to memories and may hold on to traditions
and things that are outdated
granted Scorpio is also the sign of rebirth and renewal
but sometimes
that rebirth and renewal can come through in a more
tower kind of way where it's a little unexpected
not to scare anyone but I'm just saying that
you'll probably have a little bit of an easier time
if you start addressing these things
as we move towards the clip season
because clip season is just notorious for stirring up
all right anything else for this first quarter moon
Sagittarius Energy let me get
anything else
all right we got the 9 of cups so wish fulfillment
I'm feeling this is more of a gratitude reminder
cause what do we have here
we have the page of swords down here
so I'm thinking this is
like taking stock of your your fortune of you know
your good luck of your current
you know well being
whatever that looks like for you
whether you're doing well monetary
monetary or physically it
kind of
just taking stock of the things to be grateful for
it's like we are trying to manifest this abundance
and this is a Jupiter and Pisces card
we're trying to manifest this abundance
and this connection
but we may be doing it from a sense of kind of lack
and not necessarily feeling
that we are already on that path
we may be thinking we're just at the starting line
like you may be like in the middle in the quarter
you know three fourths way through the journey
and we need to kind of have that
that sense of gratitude
kind of back to this three of cups
looking at the people in places around you
the um support systems
you do have 11 11 there and also that making a wish
you know make a wish
it is okay to have dreams
it is okay to you know have these wishes that you want
with this page of swords down here
I'm thinking these aren't fully formulated thoughts
yeah we got the two of swords behind him
these are indecisive kind of things
and I think this is a reminder to kind of
get a little more decisive
on what it is you are trying to manifest
you know
the 9 of cups in some decks can be a greedy card
I don't necessarily always see it that way
just depending on what else is surrounding here
but I do think it is a reminder to
be grateful for what you have currently
but also get serious about what you do want
you don't wanna
just get abundance that you don't actually want
and to like
hoard things that you don't actually need and want
you know like why would you um
oh look
we got the ace of cups coming out here
ace of cups followed by the 9
oh yeah the nine of swords behind it
so it's like we got this new thing here
but we're stressing about it
and like I was saying we're getting stressed
we need to narrow down what we want
and we may have this 9 of cups or 9 of cups
nine of swords reversed here
because we are back in the 6 of cups
reverse kind of energy
really reminiscing on things that have past
things that have either went wrong or just like
aren't able to happen the same way that they used to
again the reminiscing on those friendships
those circles and places that we may not be involved in
but there are new things coming your way
I think that's why that gratitude
energy was coming through here
is like look at the things that you have already
the things that you have accomplished
the things that you have been through and survived
not that romantic romanticize that but it does you know
it is something to be proud of for yourself
and to be getting straight on what you want
this new cup to contain
what kind of new connections do you want
if you want new friends
and you want a new relationship or anything like that
get specific about what you want out of that connection
like what kind of friends do you want
do you want friends that are you know
go out and hang out go to the bar
go to the club whatever
or do you want friends that are like cozy friends
that like to stay in
watch a movie like you know
get specific and same thing for romantic partners
what kind of romantic partner do you want
do you want them to be
you know very into their business and their work life
do you want them to be a more home
family kind of person
and don't get so wrapped up in the anxiety
of it never working out and the anxiety of like
how am I gonna get this how am I gonna get there
it's gonna come to you
but you need to get more serious about what you want
they coming back to that
you know balance of optimism and um delusion haha
but leaning into you know
that optimistic view that things can work out for you
and just kind of having that faith that just
cause the road doesn't seem clear
just cause you don't see
a way for things to open up for you
doesn't mean that they can't
miracles do happen
and it's time to start believing in them
and yeah with this page of swords
with this two of cups that are two of swords down here
keep saying cups
and I feel like there's a lot of cup energy in this
it's just that indecisive energy
it's that like you don't know where to put your efforts
like he's swinging this sword around
and then there's two of swords behind him
it's like he wants to do something just to do something
and this isn't necessarily the time to do that
this is more so the time to get serious
this is the time to get uh
and that's serious in like uh no fun kind of way
a seriously fun kind of way
like where you are blending the energy
stink back to that Temperance card that we had
you are trying to blend you know
this spark of inspiration
the spark of fun the spark of insight
along with this manifestation energy
and welcoming them this ace of cups here
and we do have two nines here
the nine of cups in the nine of swords
I would say there are things kind of coming to an end
may not be there yet necessarily
since we are at the 9 and not necessarily tens yet um
and we are at the first quarter moon
so by the full moon
I feel like there will be more things to stir up
so I'm gonna get one more
although we got the 10 of cups peeking through
so that's a good sign
one more for this Sagittarius first quarter moon
what else can we say
what else do we need to know what else is coming up
all right we have the 8 of cups reverse
I think this one has been kind of
coming out for a couple readings
which we've just had a lot of energy of like
having troubles kind of letting things go
having trouble letting things be behind
and I think that comes back to the six of cups here
that's reverse
we're holding on to something that used to be good
used to fulfill us and we got the hangman reverse here
so we're coming out of um
an isolated period
I feel like and getting to use our new perspective
but we need to kind of
make those steps to use that new perspective
there are definitely things that
you've started realizing
that you may have been stuffing down
this 8 of cups being in reverse
there's things people
places and what not
that you
may have started to realize are no longer for you um
but you're kind of stuck in this thought of like
well where will I find something better
where will I find something that feels as good as this
used to and what not
and we need to shift back to that perspective of like
things can change you can get a new cup
you can come back to this nine of cups
we have so many cups here
um and what is this four of wands
yeah building a new foundation 8 of wands
things moving quickly maybe someone contacting you
but we have a lot of cups in this spread
so I definitely think that Pisces
energy is really blending into this
first quarter moon we're getting
we're getting a good heads up
of what is going to be coming up
for this lunar eclipse in a week
and I do feel like it is gonna stir up some
some subconscious roots
some things that we have been slowly trudging through
but maybe struggling with
and really
kind of challenging our ability to remain hopeful
when things seem a little bit
you know I don't wanna say hopeless
but you know less than um less than great right now
this is also the Saturn and Pisces card
and we are going through Saturn and Pisces Transit
so we have been feeling this for
I think it's been at least a year
I can't remember exactly when it moved in
uh had to be like 2 years ago now
um but Saturn and Pisces
kind of restructuring our Pisces department
so check your chart for where Pisces is
if you use whole signs
you can look it up based on your rising sign um
if you don't use whole signs
just type in you know
your birth time birthday
all that
and figure out where Pisces overlaps on your chart
for me
I have Pisces over my 5th house and then whole signs
it's over my 6th house
so I definitely do feel like
I have felt the Saturn in Pisces
in my 5th house and 6th house area
where my creativity has been restructured
the way that I have fun um
it's been a bit of a drag to be honest
and Saturn in my 6th house and wholesomes
I'm just kind of ignoring that because I don't like it
haha but it's an area teaching us some discipline
some patience and I feel like
it's such a weird energy to blend with Pisces
it's like Pisces does not wanna like settle down
Pisces does not want to let go of its dreams
and you shouldn't necessarily let go of your dreams
but there is like
the sense of needing to get some structure to them
we live in this physical world
we live in this physical dimension
we got to find some structure
we got to find a way to kind of ground things a bit
so that is that
I'm going to pull an affirmation or two for us
for this first full moon in Sagittarius
and we will end it there
so let's see what affirmation do we have
for this first quarter moon
what affirmation do we have
for this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
I care for myself
I give myself what I need when I need it
so definitely taking care of our needs
and I feel like that kind of
is reminiscent of this 8 of cups card here
kind of being like
walk away from the things that are no longer good for
you walk towards the things that are good for you
what else
what else can we say for this first quarter moon
in Sagittarius
my luck won't run out
because my blessings are earned and destined for me
there is that hope there is that
you know
abundance energy that I was talking about
that hopeful energy that optimistic energy
the things that are destined for you
aren't gonna go anywhere you know
you may need to take a detour to get to it
things may get a little stirred up
but anything that is meant for you will come to you
as long as you keep moving towards it
as long as you keep working to get in alignment
as long as you know if it's meant for you
it's meant for you no one can take that away from you
and one more
I think one more for the Sagittarius First quarter Moon
my intuition is my greatest guide
it speaks clearly and moves and moves me into action
yes all these water sign uh cards
these water cups
water cups
yeah all these cups
also tending to that intuition
and even the ace of wands
I know I said it in the Virgo New Moon video
this is like a spark of insight
and I was recommending like meditating more
and maybe getting some messages from your higher self
this is definitely a time to listen to your intuition
especially as we are moving to this Pisces eclipse
Pisces eclipse
some people are saying like the veil is thinner
and like things are more spooky and dreamy
and like mystical
I don't know how much I believe in that
for me
I feel like that it's always as thin as it needs to be
maybe sometimes it is more thin
but generally speaking
we got a lot of water energy going on
this is a great time to connect with your intuition
great time to start a meditation practice
and great time to just listen to your heart
and this is can also be that spark of intuition
that ace of cups that we are getting
and to just listen to it to trust it
to trust that we know what's best for us
remember that 7 of wands that was poking out earlier
that is the defensive energy
where we may have gotten an insight
and inspired action and it's getting thrown off
by what other people think we should be doing
we need to not listen to that
we need to you know
be firm in following what is meant
for us
and taking care of us
and knowing that what's meant for you is meant for you
so I think that is all I have for this reading
I think it's a pretty good reading
there's definitely stuff that we are working through
definitely some subconscious beliefs
and a little bit of haziness to work through
I feel like is the word
but it is like a reminder to be grateful
a reminder to look at your blessings
that you already have
and allow your intuition to steer you forward
you know manage
manage these negative thoughts that are
looping in your brain the nostalgic thoughts
um if you have a therapist
definitely talk to a therapist
if you have a trusted friend
or someone that can remain a little unbiased
talk to them if not journaling
um and yeah
I hope that that helps
just to wrap this up I am Marie
I'm an intuitive
which I create a bunch of different you know
art and witchy stuff um
sorry I kind of moved into self promo stuff
but I forgot to do at the beginning
I do have a new Halloween notebook out so far
Spooky Kitty
and I have sticker versions
and all kinds of other fun stuff on my shop
including tarot bookings witchcraft and wellness things
Ricky and few soaps and bracelets etc
so if you want any of that feel free to check that out
it's always LinkedIn the description box below
if not stick around and watch my collective readings
I do them every week for the new Moon
full moon first quarter
last quarter moon and sometimes the retro retrogrades
all right I'm done for now
I hope to see you guys in the week for the lunar
eclipse reading
I feel like that one will be very interesting
so I will see you then