Ritual/Spell Oils: What are they?
Hello witches & dreamers... let's talk about ritual oils: what are they, how are they used, and how to create one.
What are ritual/spell oils and how do we use them?:
Ritual or spell oils in witchcraft are typically concoctions made by blending various essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients with a specific intent or purpose in mind. These oils are believed to harness the energetic properties of the ingredients used, and can be used to anoint candles, tools, altars, or even the practitioner themselves.
There are many ways to use tools in witchcraft, and the use of a ritual oil helps us channel and supercharge the energy of your specific intent. For example, if you wanted to do a money spell to increase your wealth or get a job offer, you could use a ritual oil made for that purpose by either rubbing some onto a candle and burning it to put that intent out into the world, or onto yourself so that you bring that energy into your auric field as you perform your spell work. You can also use ritual oils on a more daily basis, such as rubbing some onto yourself before going to an interview.
How do you make them? What do you need?:
When crafting your own ritual oil, it's imperative to specify the intention you want this oil to carry. As with most spell-work, intention is a bulk of the work; if your intention isn't clear, your spell could have unintended consequences, or just not work out the way you hoped. (I always think of the example of people manifesting a new car, and then they total their current car... ALWAYS specify you want things to come in a safe manner...the universe tends to default to the path of least resistance.) Some common intentions for oils are protection, love, prosperity, or healing.
Now, when you narrow down your intention and get very clear on how you want it to work, you would begin figuring out the ingredients. You now will choose ingredients based on their correspondences to the desired outcome. For example, herbs and oils associated with love, like rose or jasmine, might be combined to create a love-drawing oil, while herbs and oils associated with protection, like basil or frankincense, might be blended for a protective oil.
You will also need a carrier oil to mix all of these into of course, and there are many to choose from. Grape seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, sunflower oil, hemp oil... are some that come to mind. My personal favorite is a mixture of grape seed oil and almond oil. You can find these at your local grocery and craft stores. I would also recommend getting some type of preservative, especially if you plan to use dried herbs. Vitamin E is a good one, and can be found at most convenience stores, or online. Vegetable glycerine is another good one. These will help keep your oil from spoiling. Make sure you have a tight sealed jar/bottle to use as well.
NOTE: You can use as little or as many ingredients as you want. You may opt to just use essential oils, and that is perfectly fine. If you do want to use herbs, I recommend checking your kitchen pantry for the spices you already have on hand.
Once you decide on your ingredients, ritual or spell oils are often consecrated or charged with energy through prayer, visualization, or other magical techniques to enhance their potency. I personally like to speak my intentions into my spells, and then channel the energy into them with my hands by 'imagining' the energy flowing through me into the herbs/oils. You can do this with each herb/ingredient one by one, or after you put them all together. I find that at least specifying what you want each ingredient to do as your adding it helps narrow down the energy.
Then you are basically done! If you mixed in dried herbs, you could let the mixture steep for 2 weeks and then strain the loose herbs out, or you can use it as is, it all comes down to preference.
Store your oils in cool/dark places away from direct sunlight to help them last longer. Of course if any kind of skin/allergy irritation occurs when using them, then discontinue use. Always be aware of your ingredients and whether they are toxic to pets/etc.
I hope this was helpful! I will be uploading different recipes for my ritual oils in the future on my Patreon, but this is a good basis to start with. If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!