Pisces New Moon Collective Reading 🌑♓️
Hello witches & dreamers!
This Pisces new moon is peaking February 27th 2025, at 7:44 pm est.
✨New Moons: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
Signs that will be impacted most: Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into the overall energy of this new moon and what we can expect to come up with it. You can watch that video on my YouTube here ⤵️
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 222, 444, 555, 666, 999, 2424, 77, 4444
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
We started this Pisces New Moon with the Death card, an instant message of shifts & changes taking place in our lives. Eclipses carry a transformative energy about them, & while this New Moon isn’t an eclipse, the North Node is in Pisces & the next Full Moon will be an eclipse; so we are in the eclipse season already. The Devil (rv) at the bottom of the deck signifies to me that we are stepping away from ‘toxic’ & otherwise unhealthy habits/coping mechanisms during this new moon. You may have been feeling this energy for the past 2 years with Saturn in Pisces, pushing us to examine our escapist tendencies, or our personal addictions. These may be habits that we have clung to for comfort & generally familiarity.
The Queen of Wands (rv) gives this energy of rebuilding our confidence. We may currently feel some self-doubt and fears, especially around putting ourselves out there & being vulnerable. It may be hard right now to want to share your experience, even with people who are your family or close friends. We may have a habit of doing things on our own, & not accepting help or support from anyone outside of ourselves. This New Moon feels like it is encouraging us to work through these fears, so that we can be open, & so that we don’t feel like we have to navigate these changes all on our own.
Especially in current times, where many of us are struggling to cope with the events of the administration… we need community & a support system to help us ground & share our grief. This is also another reminder not to be swept away by the doom & gloom, their literal goal is to keep us disheartened & burnt out. Take breaks when you need to. Focus on things within your control. Do what you can to refill your energy levels. Take care of yourself. This stress we allow to pile up will continue to chip away at our confidence & our faith if we let it.
There is a heavy energy here of us feeling powerless to our circumstances. While that is understandable, it is something we need to resist. One way (in the US) that people are fighting back is with this economic black out on Feb 28th. This is a no spend day; do not buy anything unless absolutely necessary, & try to support small businesses. This is one way for us to assemble together & show that we are being mindful of our spending, & that we are not okay with what has been going on. If you have the means, try to extend this into your daily life, only shopping for necessities & boycotting where you can.
The Emperor (rv) along with the 6 of Cups reiterates this energy of feeling powerless, & struggling with power imbalances in our life. Some deeper inner child wounds may be coming to the surface, reminding us of times when we had no say, when we were vulnerable to the people in charge of taking care of us. The more we struggled with this through life, the more we may be feeling intense emotions now. There is definitely a need for finding a way to release these emotions bubbling up, especially if it’s rage. A physical outlet, such as walking or exercising could be helpful. For some, this may feel more “heady” (overthinking + mental spiraling), so you may need to talk it out. If you don’t have a support system to hear you out, just sit with yourself & speak it out to the Universe.
The Lovers (rv) comes in to bring us full circle back to the beginning, where changes are trying to usher into our lives. We are at this crossroads of making the change that is trying to enter our life, or we continue on the way we have been in this self-imposed struggle. Are we going to choose the path we are familiar with, but dissatisfied in, or will we move towards this new path, that may seem uncomfortable at first, but leads us to a more fulfilling outcome?
For the Oracle messages, we have Free Spirit, Move Forward, & Believe. The ability to open yourself up to be yourself, move into these changes, & believe in yourself and your abilities. Reflect on how you were treated growing up when you expressed your true self, or when you made mistakes? Were you punished, criticized, told to act a certain way? These are the areas we may be exploring with this Pisces New Moon influence.
Lastly, I pulled a few Angel Number oracle cards. 4444 - Triumph: your commitment to your goals is inspirational, achievements & success, looking at the big picture. 77 - Purpose: spiritual wake up call, check in on your mindset, some miracles & upheavals may be heading your way, inner strength to overcome circumstances. 2424 - Unconditional Love: needing to tap into your confidence, overflowing with powerful potential, time to let yourself shine, self-assurance.
Continue following your purpose & moving towards these shifts & changes that life is pulling you towards. Release these self-doubts & step into your potential. ♡
Angel Oracle Cards: 4444 (triumph), 77 (purpose), 2424 (unconditional love)
Themes: Free Spirit, Move Forward, Believe
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. Previous full moon in Pisces (& Lunar Eclipse): September 17 2024, & the previous new moon in Pisces: March 10 2024. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy & enlightening new moon ♡
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