Let’s talk about money bowls! 💰✨What are they?

Let’s talk about money bowls! 💰✨What are they?

Happy Jupiter day witches! Let’s have a quick talk about money bowls…what they are, what's in them, and how to work with them. This blog post will give you a general outline for creating your own money bowl.

💰What is a money bowl?

A Money bowl refers to a common spell-working intended to draw in prosperity & wealth. These spells are often created using a bowl or dish of some kind to house the spell, and then they are consistently worked with + tended to over weeks/months to keep the energy + magic flowing.

one of my personal money bowls!

💲Commonly used in money bowls:

You can use a range of items to create your own money bowl. Meditate on what wealthy looks like to you, and visual what kind of things can you do with money. This should point you to some things to include in your own money bowl. Below are some examples of items/herbs used in money bowl workings:

Money: coins, cash, foreign money (great if you desire to travel!), checks (symbolizing cash flow), gift cards. You can also create a fake check to put in your money bowl: write your desired amount you want to manifest, and have it be sent by the Universe/Source/whatever you believe in. 
Symbology: tarot cards, money symbols imagery ($), keys (to open up opportunities/ new doors), statues, + whatever else reminds you of what looks like wealth to you, perhaps photos of a travel destination.
Crystals: selenite, clear quartz, green aventurine, citrine, etc. 
Manifestation list(s), or a gratitude note.
Herbal magic/natural magic: rice, lentils, patchouli, orange, cinnamon, basil, etc
Candles: to charge your money bowl routinely. You may opt for a white candle, a gold candle, a green candle... or whatever matches your intentions! You may want to dress the candle with herbs or oils, carve your intentions into the side of it, or simply pour your energy/intentions into it.

After you figure out what you want to include in your money bowl, gather your resources and prep your desired bowl/dish/plate by cleansing the space. Go through adding your intention into the items as you add and arrange them in the container. You can make this as elaborate or as simple as you'd like, adding some music or frequencies to the background, setting aside time to meditate, and whatever helps you get into that magical flow space.

💵What to do with it?:

When you've made your money bowl and charged it with your intentions, what do you do with it now? Think of it as an ongoing relationship that you tend to. You will want to keep routinely "feeding" it, to make sure the energy of abundance continues to flow, and to keep you more focused on your intentions ("where our attention goes our energy flows" and all that).

I prefer to tend to my money bowl weekly, on Jupiter day (Thursday), to utilize the planetary energy of Jupiters association with abundance and luck. Venus day (Friday) would also be a great planetary time to work with in regard to money/wealth. I feed my bowl various items, sending reiki to the bowl, or lighting a money candle to charge the bowl. I refresh my bowl (clean it out entirely and build it anew) seasonally.


You can do all or none of these things, the most important thing is that you add your own personalize touch and intention to your own bowl! Swap items out, and get creative. It can be as big or small as you wish. 🫶🏻

You can find some products in my shop to assist you with your spell working if you wish! I have money rice packs, a money oil, money magnet herbal bath, and a money spell jar!

For help learning more about tarot / herbal magic / witchcraft and more, be sure to visit my free resources page, where I am continuously adding links to free resources to help you all with your own studies! ♡ 


I hope this post helps you on your own journey in working some money magic! If you'd like to follow me on social media, please feel free to hang around! 

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