Libra New Moon + Eclipse | Are you self-sabotaging new offers? Collective Reading

Libra New Moon + Eclipse | Are you self-sabotaging new offers? Collective Reading

What's up witches & dreamers! This Libra new moon + solar eclipse is happening October 2nd 2024, peaking at 2:49pm est. This will also be our FINAL Libra eclipse, & our second to last eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis. Things in the Libra area of your chart may begin to wrap up around this eclipse.

Note: The north node entered Aries July 17th 2023, and the first eclipse was around April 2023. Check these dates to see what major themes have been present in your life since then. 

New Moons: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
Eclipses: transformative, intense, “portal” energy, time for meditation, connecting with higher self, growth, opportunities, uprooting, surprising changes, big picture themes, long term cycles

Signs that will be most affected: Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn placements.

I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into the overall energy of this new moon and what we can expect to come up with it. You can watch that video on my YouTube here ⤵️


RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 2222, 333, 444, 555, 999, 1111

-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-

We started this New Moon reading with the Ace of Pentacles in reverse, & 1:11 on the clock as I pulled. This shows me that there have been new opportunities offered, possibly new jobs, or new relationships, something physical + tangible, that has been avoided. The 9 of Swords on the bottom of the deck points to overthinking this offer.

It’s likely that this offer was something that would be a risk to take, but your mind has blown it out of proportion & now the risk seems much much greater than it really is. “What could go wrong” has been circling your mind  & drudging up a load of doubts. I feel this is more related to people for a lot of you, so relationships + connections. I heard “moving in together,” so this may be a pivotal point in your relationship with things getting more serious, & it has stirred up a bunch of anxieties + uncertainty.

The High Priestess came out, & I feel this is pointing to a truth that is lingering under all of these anxieties. I don’t feel this is saying our anxiety is right, but that there is something else underneath that we aren’t addressing, such as: maybe you think if you take this offer something will go wrong, but in reality you just don’t truly feel aligned with this offer.

There may be a situation of over compromising your desires, & you needing to be very honest about what it is you truly want. If this is about moving in with someone, you need to be honest about where you’re willing to move. If this is a job offer, or a friend trying to network for you, you need to be honest about whether this is something you want to be pursuing. You can be appreciative of offers, but you don’t have to take them if they aren’t what you want.

On the other hand, I feel some of you may feel unworthy of these offers, thinking they’re too good for you. This isn’t the case, & this is a time to evaluate why you feel this way. Who has made you feel as though you aren’t good enough for your own desires? If you don’t get a handle on these beliefs, they will lead to self-sabotage.

Temperance came through next, with the 6 of Swords at the bottom of the deck. Balance & a desire to move forward is coming through, but you may not understand your own “why?” Why do you want to do this? You can feel the pull to leave the situation you’re in, but you don’t know how.

The Temperance card reminds us that we may need to play around with making things work, as the Moon card comes out & signals to me that some of this information is currently out of reach. It will take some trail & error to see what way you should be prioritizing things. There may be information in your subconscious that will take sorting through so we can get a clear picture of our own motives. 

I feel this is someone who is really conflicted on how to manage your own energy. You may be feeling you don’t have enough time/money/energy, but you would if you could figure out how to better balance how you’re currently spending it. There are offers & guidance around you, but you have to be accepting that help to really get it. The 6 of Pentacles comes out to reinforce that need for balancing the scales back out, especially if you have found yourself pouring into other people, & leaving yourself feeling drained (perhaps literally money-wise).

If you’re able to take some time out & go on a little trip, just somewhere out of your usual environment, I highly recommend doing that. We can get a bit stagnant if we aren’t able to move beyond our normal routine, & a change of scenery might provide the space for that clarity to come through.

Reprioritization is a big theme here though, especially for the workaholics out there. You may be working on a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating anxiety about not having enough. You need to find time to bring in more joy & pleasure before you burn yourself out & become bitter.

The Page of Swords is a reminder that it’s okay to be new at something, & to be in that beginner energy. Just because something is currently confusing, it doesn’t mean we will never figure it out & become better at it.

The 6 of Swords rv coming out along with the Fool card at the bottom feels like we are afraid of embarking on this new journey, afraid “of letting our boat sink.” We may be afraid to lose our sense of safety & comfort, & that’s not necessarily true— it will simply take rebalancing things back out which is a normal progression of life. Balance is an ongoing act.

Try to lean into that child-like curiosity that we all started off with before the world made us become “realistic.” There are things that are there that you’re simply too closed off to.

Communication is another big theme for the collective. If you feel you’ve been tiptoeing around the truth, it’s time to find the courage to speak it. This also goes with setting boundaries, as we had the 3 of Pentacles rv come out next, pointing to some un-constructive critics we’ve been receiving from people around us. It is more than okay to tell people to stop trying to give you this “help,” & that their input is not helping you. There is likely going to be major shifts in our relationships, which will be confusing at first, & we may be unsure what to do, but we can start by being honest & seeing how the chips fall.

I feel this reading is a big push towards that Aries north node transit, reminding us of our individuality & our sovereignty, while the Libra south node is pushing us to release our passive people-pleasing behaviors, & overall finding a way to be inter-dependent, not co-dependent.

The 2 of Swords comes out to point more to that indecision & confusion we are stuck in. We are feeling blocked from our joy, & unsure how to manage our energy. I really think we need to meditate & figure out what it is we have been really wanting for the past year & a half, & where we have continued to resist letting things shift. We are soooooo close to the world card, letting this cycle end. There is a level of confidence we will need to begin building so that we can trust ourselves to make these shifts happen.

The oracle themes started with the Shadow Self card, pointing to the aspects that we are keeping hidden from ourselves. Please know that this can be a mix of “positive” traits & “negative” traits. We may not see the talents & skills we have, instead feeling jealous of other people that we “admire.” The Self-Worth card came next, reinforcing that need to recognize that we are good enough & worthy. I feel this is also a good reminder to clean up your social media feed, especially if you follow people that make you feel some type of way. Obviously address those things within yourself as well, but make this process easier on yourself by putting less triggers right in front of yourself. Lastly we had Let Go, which is a simple nudge to release all these negative beliefs & situations that have been keeping us feeling so stuck. 

I decided to pull a few affirmations for this reading as well, & those were:

“I value myself in the highest regard, and it shows.”

“My soul is a lighthouse that will help others find their way.” 

“It’s okay to be born again and to rediscover myself. That’s evolution, that’s becoming.”

To figure out your shadow, examine the anxiety that has been circling around your head lately, what stories have you been telling yourself? 

THEMES: Shadow Self, Self-Worth, Let Go


As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. Previous full moon (lunar eclipse) in Libra: March 25 2024, & the previous new moon (+solar eclipse) in Libra: October 14 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.

I hope you have an easy & enlightening new moon ♡ 

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