♌️ LEO FULL MOON 🌕 | Release control, let the tower fall, restore faith in yourself

♌️ LEO FULL MOON 🌕 | Release control, let the tower fall, restore faith in yourself

✨Hello dreamers! The Full Moon in Leo is happening tomorrow, Thursday January 24, 2024 at 12:53pm EST.

I did a tarot reading on the energies of this Full Moon in the collective, looking into:
- What this full moon bringing up for the collective?
- What needs released?
- Oracle card pulls on what the collective should specifically be focusing on during this full moon in Leo.

You can watch that full video here 🦁🌕♌️

✨Full Moon keywords: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.


This is the first Full Moon of 2024 as well, following the New Moon in Capricorn, and there is definitely a lot of charged energy coming up with this Full Moon.

We've also recently had other planetary energies stirring things up, such as Pluto dipping back into Aquarius as Aquarius season begins, Mars in Capricorn, Venus shifting into Capricorn and so on...

Overall, I feel like this Full Moon is pushing us to really address our grip on control, and our self-limiting beliefs and narratives-- that pessimistic kind of mindset. There will be tower moments coming up in the collective, meaning things are likely going to trigger you, and be disruptive. The tower falling is never a fun experience, but after the tower comes The Star, where we begin to restore our faith and build a new path forward for ourselves. Try to understand that these things happening are not personal, it's a collective energy, and overall the purpose is to help you connect to yourself deeper and grow.

✨As always, I also suggest looking at the previous new/full moon cycles in this sign to see if any themes have been reoccurring. The last NEW moon in Leo was August 16 2023. The last FULL moon in Leo was February 5 2023. Look back at these times and see if any reoccurring themes are coming up for you.

✨For a more personal view of how this moon may be impacting you, look into your chart to see where Leo rules. Or you can book a personal Leo full moon reading where we’ll look into what’s coming up for you, what needs released, and what guidance spirit has for you to navigate these energies going forward.

✨Remember to take care of yourselves this Full Moon, and know that these bumps on the road are NOT personal and that you WILL make it through. Be easy on yourselves.💖

🥰 - ADreamingWitch

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