Last Quarter Moon ♒️ What to focus on?

Last Quarter Moon ♒️ What to focus on?

Collective Reading: What are we focusing on with this Last Quarter Moon energy? Cards Pulled: The Fool + 4 of Pentacles Rv✨

Today is the last quarter moon which is the midpoint between the last full moon and the next new moon. Usually this energy manifests as us continuing to shed and release whatever came up for us during the full moon. We are moving inwards and reflecting on how things have been going, and giving ourselves more compassion or self-forgiveness.

This reading feels like an extension of the reading I did a few days ago, where had the Magician and King of Pentacles. We are still being encouraged forward, and encouraged to release the things that are holding us back. This can be people, mindsets, beliefs, physical items… I’m feeling like it is a mental belief for the majority of us though.

Are you defaulting into pessimistic mindsets? Are you feeling like maybe there’s not enough time/money/energy to achieve your goals?

We are being encouraged to lean more into our hope and optimism. Even if people around us are the ones being pessimistic, it is time to pull back and let your intuition guide you forward.

So what if we make a mistake, we will have another opportunity to correct ourselves, but we can only get there by taking the first leaps. Lean into your optimism, into that childlike hope and freedom we all once had. You wouldn’t be called to make this move if it didn’t mean something.

I hope this message reaches whoever it needs to reach. ♡

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