Gemini New Moon ♊️🌑| Duality, riding the waves, needing to get regulated to make new choices
This Gemini new moon is happening June 6th 2024, peaking at 8:37 AM est. Gemini is a Mercury ruled air sign, which also rules our hands, shoulders, lungs, nerves/nervous system.
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into:
- What is the overall energy of this New Moon?
- What are we moving towards with this energy?
- & what are the main lessons/themes coming up?
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 1111, 333, 999, 1010
The General Info:
✨New Moon keywords: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
The overall energy of this gemini new moon is starting off with the Knight of Pentacles, giving “finding our footing” and starting off on a new commitment. We have some goals that we are slowly starting off on now, something that will be a long commitment, potentially a relationship goal or just a general agreement with someone else or at work. I’m feeling like this is something that is requiring some delicate balance, and that we may have felt shorted in terms of what we’ve been getting out of this situation for a while here. There may have been a desire to prove yourself, so you began sacrificing your own needs or desires in order to make this work. This may have caused you to loose sight of what it is you even actually wanted. Now you are being urged to pull back into yourself, and figuring out your limits.
So now we’re being urged to figure out what we are willing to do and what we are willing to sacrifice for this goal to be met. Sacrifice isn’t always bad, but it can be if we are too attached to a specific outcome and would do anything for that outcome… but what happens if that outcome doesn’t work out?
Are we going to be upset with ourselves for giving that much of ourselves? Are we going to be too drained to continue on? Are you even aware of what it is you are actually working towards? If we are going to put ourselves aside, and sacrifice certain things, we should have at least some idea of what it is we are doing this for and know how this is likely to affect us in the long run. Again— will you be totally distraught if all this sacrifice doesn’t get you to this goal? Or will you be able to handle the potential for disappointment?
There is something unknown at this point. Whether we don’t know what we’re working towards, or we just don’t know how we’re going to get there. The image isn’t entirely clear yet.
We do still have some residual hurt/pain that we are working towards letting go while we’re starting this new commitment. Some part of us is still holding on though, not letting us integrate the lessons these events are trying to teach us, instead holding on to the stories our egos have made. If something happened with another person where they lied or hurt you somehow— instead of allowing yourself to feel that hurt and integrate that situation, it may be stuck on the surface where you are going in a loop of self-criticism, feeling like it’s “all your fault,” or that this reflects on you somehow.
This is causing us to be stuck in some level of indecision about this situation, figuring out how we want to move forward, and how much we want to allow other people to be involved. We may be hesitant to work with people or just generally be open with other people.
We may be feeling too dysregulated to make a clear decision. We may be stuck making decisions from a fight/flight mindset which just takes us in loops.
This isn’t to say we are necessarily doing anything wrong. No matter what, we are learning. We are learning how much we are willing to deal with, or what we aren’t willing to deal with. We are learning how we want to show up in our connections and what we want out of our relationships.
Currently, we’re still in the process of release. We need to let these things work their way through us, the “we gotta feel it to heal it.” It’s time to start moving towards finding balance, feeling out these feelings, and releasing what isn’t working for us. What are you keeping stuck in your energy? What is blocking you from finding this balance? What stories are playing on loop in your mind? Are you making new decisions or are you subconsciously going in circles?
There is a need to learn to ride the waves, without getting pulled underwater by them. It’s important to feel your feelings but also have coping skills so that your feelings don’t leave you raw and unregulated. How do you recover from these situations? We are learning to build our self-worth and self-trust. Do you trust yourself to make it through? Do you have faith that no matter what comes up, you will be able to take care of yourself?
Ultimately this is a time of understanding and working with duality. Can we hold space for our pain while keeping our hope and faith that things will continue to work out in the long run? Are we able to feel our pain, while holding space for joy simultaneously? Do we know that these things can co-exist?
Our lessons and themes are:
Cosmic connection: recognizing that we are connected to the universe and life all around us, and that these challenges are not meant to be a punishment, but to help us grow and evolve into new versions of ourselves. We are expanding our insight, understanding, and perspective.
Self-worth; how much do we value ourselves? Are we treating ourselves with love and care? Are we over-extending ourselves to others in order to prove our worth? It’s time to stop keeping ourselves small and in the shadow of others. We are worthy of what we desire.
Hope; “Behind the passing dark clouds the sun still shines bright.” Yes, it is normal to feel overwhelmed, disconnected, even afraid— as we move through emotional storms. These storms hold incredible insight underneath, insight that shows us what is in need of clearing and balance. We don’t need to force ourselves to stay positive in these circumstances, but we need to be able to be open to learning from them. Our emotions hold knowledge of our beliefs, of our patterns, and wounds that may have been neglected for some time now. These storms will continue to pass and come, but it won’t be until we take a deeper look at these wounds and heal these patterns that they will cease to affect us as much as they do now. We need to sort through these things to be able to make new choices that actually align with our desires.
Be Fearless; “Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been if you had not been afraid to live it?” Is the fear of unknown holding you back? Fear of failure? Fear of change, making a mistake? Fear can be immobilizing, keeping us from living our life and going after the opportunities that would brings us joy. Being stuck in this loop of fear only reinforces it. If we fear not being good enough, and we continue to focus on this fear, we will continue to find situations that reinforce that belief. It is time to face these fears lovingly, and find their root. To feel the feelings or the wounds that birthed these fears, so that we can begin to release their hold on us. You have the strength to face these fears and move forward.
THEMES: Cosmic Connection, Self-Worth, Hope, Be Fearless
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back and see if these themes have been present and reoccurring for us. The last FULL moon in Gemini was November 27 2023. The last NEW moon in Gemini was June 18 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.