Gemini Full Moon | December 15, 2024
This Gemini Full Moon is happening December 15th, 2024, peaking at 4:01 am est.
I did a collective tarot reading on this Full Moon to see what was coming up, & what kind of themes this full moon is bringing to our lives. You can watch that video here ⤵️
✨Full Moons: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.
Signs most affected: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces
ANGEL NUMBERS: 222, 333, 555, 666, 999, 1111
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
This Gemini Full Moon follows a Sagittarius New Moon, where there were heavy themes of truth seeking, slowing down before taking a big leap, having patience, and having boundaries. This full moon extends some of those vibes as we started with the 2 of Cups reversed. There may be people in our lives who we do not feel totally aligned with; this can be romantic, friendships, business, etc. I’m feeling this as an emotional block— something keeping us from feeling emotionally interested in this connection.
There is a sense of needing to “test the waters,” meaning it may be more of a stepping stone, not necessarily a full body fulfilling offer. Especially for those of you that this is related to business. This business offer may be legitimate, even if it’s not exactly what you want to be doing right now, it may be something to take a second look at. We had the 10 of Pentacles follow with the 5 of Wands (rv) on the bottom of the deck— furthering showing that conflicted energy.
It feels like this is a situation of something you want to be doing… but perhaps not who you want to be doing it with. There may be a feeling of being suppressed, having to suppress parts of your personality to get along with this person. Now while this is not something I would recommend long term— I am sensing that in this particular situation we may want to meet the other person halfway, and remember that not everything relationship has to be the most deep and fulfilling relationship to be beneficial. Especially when related to work, networking *can* involve dealing with people who you may otherwise not have wanted to deal with. I would just say to be aware of your boundaries and what things are absolute non-negotiable in any relationship for you (ie: racism, ab*se, etc).
Collectively I feel we are dealing with a lot of mirroring happening in our relationships, being asked to look closer at how we exhibit some of the same attributes that we may judge.
We then had the King of Wands come out, bringing more of that confidence and creative energy that we want. I feel that with mercury retrograde in Sagittarius this past month we’ve come face to face with where we are spending our energy, and now we are being asked to make the necessary adjustments. Are there areas you lashed out or spoke to hastily and wish you hadn’t? Or on the flip side, were there areas where you wished you moved with more confidence rather than bite your tongue for the sake of keeping the peace?
The 4 of Swords + Ace of Wands (rv) came out, adding further confusion to this reading (lol). There’s such a mix of wanting to move forward, but being too tired to do so, and running the risk of burning ourselves out. We need to make sure we’re taking a breather being making any big jumps.
Relationships are a big focus here for some in the collection; romantic, friendship, and career relationships alike. We are at a point of reexamining where we are and what we want going forward.
I feel there’s two sides in the collective, where half want to take the leap of faith and move things forward and to the next level, and the other half who have been feeling drained and overwhelmed and need to put this situation down.
We had the Knight of Cups (rv) + Tower (rv) pop through— for some this is just a point to being more consistent with our self-care. For others, this has to do with honesty. I feel there’s areas in our lives where we haven’t been fully honest with how we feel about a situation.
For a select few this is about a relationship where someone keeps feeding you these lies, and this image of being this supportive person but they’re all talk no action. We had the 7 of Cups(rv) come out and the 9 of Pentacles come out pointing further to being independent and taking care of ourselves. This is a time to reacquainted with your wants/needs, and figure out where maybe you need to be pouring back into yourself.
There is a feeling of pressure people are putting on themselves to show up as this picture perfect self, and we need to realize we do not have to prove anything to anyone. We may be having problems in our relationships because of that dishonesty- pretending we are okay when we aren’t.
There is an adjustment in our giving and receiving going on right now, too. How open have you been to receiving help? Or affection? I feel a lot of us have felt closed off from people but part of it is our own resistance and walls and inability to communicate.
For the main themes we had New Chapter, Limitless, Awaken— really putting into perspective how we are waking up out of the autopilot/ dissociated state of mind we may have been operating on for a bit now. This is a good vibe for us to end the year on I think; there are complications that are coming up, and situations for us to examine, but overall it is bringing us closer to who we are and that we are not stuck doing the same thing.
THEMES: New Chapter, Limitless, Awaken
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. The last NEW moon in Gemini was June 6 2024. The last FULL moon Gemini was November 27 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy full moon ♡
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