Full Moon in Cancer 12/26
✨Happy Full Moon and happy holidays everyone! Today, we have a full moon in Cancer, peaking at 7:32PM est.
✨Full Moon keywords: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.
✨Full moons are notoriously a more “intense” time of the month, and this one especially since it’s following after a large holiday season— which can also bring about intense feelings. You likely have been feeling this moon for at least a few days now, and will continue to do so through the next few days, or longer if you have cardinal placements (cancer libra aries to capricorn).
✨I did a collective tarot reading on this full moons energy, which you can watch on my YouTube channel. What I can say though is that there is definitely and overall feeling of the “tip of the iceberg” being exposed in the larger support systems in our lives, such as our jobs or family systems, or friend groups.
✨This is also the final full moon of 2023, during a mercury retrograde. Expect realizations about what you want to change or shift in this next year to begin surfacing this next week.
✨As always, I suggest looking at the previous new/full moon cycles in this sign to see if any themes have been reoccurring. The last NEW moon in Cancer was June 18 2023. The last FULL moon in Cancer was January 6 2023. Interesting to note that we started this year with a cancer moon, had one midpoint in June, and are ending the year with another 👀
✨For a more personal view of how this moon may be impacting you, look into your chart to see where Cancer rules. Or you can book a personal cancer full moon reading where we’ll look into what’s coming up for you, what needs released, and what guidance spirit has for you to navigate these energies going forward.
✨I wish you all an easy Full Moon, and a peaceful holiday season as we transition into the new year at the end of this week! Be easy on yourselves.💖
🥰 - ADreamingWitch