Capricorn New Moon | Final 2024 Moon | Reevaluating 2024 Lessons
This Capricorn new moon is peaking December 30th 2024, at 5:26 pm est. This will also be our final new moon of 2024.
✨New Moons: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
Signs that will be impacted most: Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra.
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into the overall energy of this new moon and what we can expect to come up with it. You can watch that video on my YouTube here ⤵️
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 222, 555, 888, 1010
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
So this Capricorn new moon is going to be our final major moon phase for 2024, and we also had started 2024 with a Capricorn new moon. This was also a Saturn ruled year, and we are moving into a Mars ruled year. All of this together immediately tells me that we are moving into 2025 with some intention, perhaps readjusting the plans we started 2024 with so that we can move into 2025 with more knowledge of what works for us and what didn’t.
We started this reading with The Hanged Man, further pushing us into that reflection energy. We are strung up— forced to take a pause and to reevaluate our plans and goals. The Hierophant (rv) was at the bottom of the deck, telling me that there may be 2 groups here: 1 group who may need to seek some further assistance and mentorship, but a more prominent 2nd group of the collective who needs to stop looking for outside validation and go within to listen to what your intuition and body have been signaling to you.
Social media may be clouding our judgment. We may see people we admire doing things we want to be doing, and thinking it looks so easy for them. We are neglecting to realize that social media is only a glimpse into someone’s life, and that we are only seeing the highlights. Beyond that— we are different people. What may have worked for them may not work for you.
We follow this energy with the 4 of Cups (rv) and the 5 of Swords (rv). I feel this as a burnt out feeling. For some, this is a situation / offer you accepted thinking that it would get better or feel more aligned, but it never did turn around and start to feel better. A scenario like this came up a few readings ago, about taking on an offer that isn’t totally aligned in-order to use it as a stepping stone to the next phase. I feel this may be connected to that, but we aren’t being diligent in using this as a stepping stone, and instead we’re letting ourselves get complacent and trying to force this to feel good to us.
This is causing us confusion and resistance to moving onto something else. I feel that our energy is restrained, and we feel so tired and burnt out, where we cannot use our energy to fuel the things we really care about and want to be doing.
This is very career-heavy energy, but this can also show up in our creative outlets. We may have been spending so much time/money/energy on everyone else that we aren’t leaving anything leftover to invest into ourselves.
Overall we are reevaluating: reevaluating our position, where we’re spending our energy, what we’re planning for 2025, how things have and haven’t worked out.
The World (rv) comes out reminding us that we are sooo close to letting this year/cycle close out. The Queen of Pentacles + The Empress support this energy at the bottom of the deck— telling me that we are working to move towards a more grounded energy, a space where we can honor ourselves and invest in our pleasures. There is a big energy of looking back at what you’ve learned this year, especially in terms of “spending” our resources. This can be physical resources, like our money, but also our attention and focus. What has this year taught you about these things? What lessons are you integrating to move into 2025?
I do also feel there will be some bigger event, likely tied to politics, that comes up during the first month of 2025. We also had the 10 of Wands (rv) and The Tower come through. I do feel this is somewhat related to what I am feeling, but I do feel this on a personal level reflecting that burnt out feeling I mentioned earlier. I feel this is a “let’s throw out all the shit that isn’t working” kind of energy. We are so overwhelmed with responsibilities that don’t actually work for us, and it is time to let that stuff go so we can rearrange things to better take care of ourselves.
This is likely an emotional burn out that is leading into physical. Keeping up with the chaotic news may be taking a toll on us. Make sure you have a system in place to find balancing staying informed, but also not overwhelming yourself so much that you begin to feel hopeless. Let go of anything that is not working for you, that is not reciprocal, that is draining your energy with no benefit.
Overall, we are about to welcome in a New Year, and with that we need to make sure we are giving ourselves compassion. Be gentle with yourself. If you haven’t met your goals this year, that is okay. Find a way to be more disciplined without putting so much pressure on yourself.
This is also an energy we can offer to the people around us. Understand that we are all mirroring back to each other things for us to look deeper into. The things that you are annoyed with or envious of in other people, you also hold those qualities. A lot of times these connections get triggering, and that is something for us to dig deeper into to find the root of it.
To end we also have Celestial Teacher + Be Still. These energies remind us that we hold a ton of wisdom already, and that there are people who are also learning from us. Take time out to connect with yourself and to give yourself the space to really hear your intuition. Take those lessons you have learned this past year and all the years prior and make new decisions for 2025.
THEMES: Compassion, Mirrored Souls, Celestial Teacher, Be Still
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. Previous full moon in Capricorn: June 21 2024, & the previous new moon in Capricorn: January 11 2024. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy & enlightening new moon ♡
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