Capricorn Full Moon #2 ♑️🌕 Are you open to receiving what it is you're looking for?
This Capricorn full moon is happening July 21st 2024, peaking at 6:16am est. Capricorn is a Saturn ruled earth sign, which also rules our skin, body hair, ligaments, tendons, joints, knees, spleen, bones, and teeth.
I did a collective tarot reading on this Full Moon, looking into:
- What this full moon bringing up for the collective?
- What needs released?
- Focuses/Themes of this full moon
You can watch that video here ⤵️ or read the summary below
✨Full Moon keywords: cycle completion, heightened emotions, things coming to light, releasing, friction, things needing healed coming to surface, amplified energy, new moon intentions budding, a time to practice grounding.
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 222, 333, 666, 777, 1010, 1221
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
We’re back with another Capricorn full moon, a month after the first one. The difference this time is we have a Cancer New Moon in the cycle, and Saturn (capricorns ruler) is now retrograde. The themes are a bit similar, but still have some differences. There was a push to start a new cycle/path with the last Capricorn full moon, and that is still being brought to the forefront, but since we are in a retrograde period now, their is more of an internal focus around these changes that we are trying (or avoiding) to make.
We started this reading with the Ace of Cups, reinforcing that new beginning energy, especially in terms of our emotional fulfillment. We’re getting the opportunity to start fresh and reexamine the emotions and ideas that we have ignored. The Four of Cups followed the Ace though, pointing towards that avoidant energy we may be lingering in. There may be new ideas and new offers around us, but we are resisting really looking at these, staying stuck in our comfort zone. The Four of Cups in this deck is also the Moon in Cancer card— so this may be something that may have came up during the New Moon 2 weeks ago. The Page of Swords was reversed on the bottom of the deck and the Wheel of Fortune reversed on the top— signaling to me that we are stuck in a cycle of overthinking and have halted our progress.
There is a need to really get in touch with our feelings here, and sorting through them. I channeled a message prior to this reading about us engaging in some harmful habits (or relationships) just to fill the gap, to not be bored, or alone. We’re taking the “easy way out” by not acknowledging that there are other ways to go, different choices to make.
We may be keeping ourselves stuck in a cycle of “bad habits” because we’re so used to it, we’re comfortable here. Even if you logically know you want a different situation, your subconscious would rather default to what you already know, even if it’s not necessarily good for you. To get ahead of this, we need to really slow down our impulses and think before we act.
There may also be a group of you who are in a cycle of negative thoughts, like “it won’t get any better than this, so why should I even bother?” This is a limiting belief, and it is not true. This is an Ego Story, designed to keep you in “control” by having these self-fulfilling prophecies. We can validate our emotions without acting on them in these ways. We need to find ways to let these uncomfortable feelings surface without giving any truth to them.
We also need to be aware that if we want something new or difference, we need to be OPEN to receiving it, and to do that we need to be willing to release our clutches on the things that aren’t serving us now.
Where are you putting your energy? I feel this excitement and desire to do more and experience more— but what are you doing to allow those situations in? I feel like we aren’t properly motivated, like we are too stuck in these mental loop and cycles, just pushing to push. Take a breath. It is OKAY to pause. To reevaluate what it is you really want, and to really acknowledge what it is you have been engaging in. Where is this current cycle taking us? Are we able to make difference choice to allow room for something new to emerge?
Blocking out these emotions and ideas won’t drown out the desire growing in you. You may think there isn’t enough time/money/energy/ or people around us to support us in these changes, but they are out there, but we need to be open to allowing them in!
Overall we have a big focus on ourselves, and learning to self-soothe and handle our emotions without acting on them. We can feel however we feel, but not every emotion needs to lead to an action. If you’re bored, lonely, etc… find a healthier coping mechanism to fill that need. Dive into your creative ideas, go on a trip, whatever can meet that emotional need that will align you with your long term goals!
This is how you find the people and spaces that are for you. By acknowledging your truth and allowing yourself to forgive yourself for making choices that maybe you wish you didn’t. There is nothing to gain in beating yourself up or shaming yourself for sticking around longer than you needed, we’re human. Mistakes happen. This is all part of the process in learning what you truly want.
It’s time to take a breather, allow these feelings to come up, practice not acting on them, and being to lean towards that new cup that is trying to make its way into your life.
THEMES: Compassion, Emotions, Integrity, Unconditional Love
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back and see if these themes have been present and reoccurring for us. The last NEW moon in Capricorn was January 11 2023. The last FULL moon in Capricorn was July 3 2023 (and June 21 2024). Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy full moon ♡
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