Cancer New Moon Reading 🌑♋️ | Prioritizing, making room for fluidity, moving from our heart
This Cancer new moon is happening July 5th 2024, peaking at 6:57pm est. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, ruled by the moon, and rules the chest, breasts, stomach, diaphragm, and upper digestive tract in our bodies.
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into:
- What is the overall energy of this New Moon?
- What are we moving towards with this energy?
- & what are the main lessons/themes coming up?
You can watch that video here ⤵️
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 111, 222, 333, 444, 1010, 1111
The General Info:
✨New Moon keywords: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
The energy of this Cancer new moon has a lot going on with it, considering the Saturn and Neptune retrograde happening in Pisces. We are also in between the TWO Capricorn full moons. And our first card that came out was the 5 of Pentacles, pointing towards us possibly feeling a bit “out in the cold” with this new moon energy; feeling like we can’t reach our support systems, or having a hard time communicating with the people around us. We may be lacking connection, feeling lonely or generally left out. There appears to be some kind of block coming up— partially internal blocks, like “I don’t think they like me…” or “I don’t want to bother them.” This doesn’t feel like it comes from anything logical, it seems more like overthinking a perceived slight, or like our ego is spinning a story keeping us from connecting.
There’s an energy of not seeing the full picture. We are looking through our own lens, not considering alternative perspectives or different ways to communicate what it is that we are harboring. We may be beating around the bush, or focusing on the wrong things, generally avoiding confrontation about the actual situation at hand.
We had the 2 of cups lingering at the bottom of the deck, so despite this rift in our connections, there is a desire to connect and a need to get on even grounding and express ourselves fully and truthfully.
So what we are moving towards came out as the 10 of Cups, which is a great sign for our relationships and moving into a loving space. Judgement lingered at the bottom of the deck, reinforcing that reoccurring message of following our calling and our intuition.
There is also a highlight in taking stock of our priorities, and balancing where we are spreading our energy: to our jobs, our love life, our friendships, our goals, our self care, and other areas we care about. With all of this retrograde energy, we are definitely in a time period of reevaluation and introspection, and with it being in the pisces area during a cancer new moon, we have a lot of focus on the water sign areas in our chart. We need to make time for the people and things we love in our life.
How can we make room for fluidity in achieving our practical goals? How can we find this balance before life throws a curveball our way and forces us to recognize these misbalances? There is a blend of energies here trying to be expressed and to work together. We can hold space for multiple emotions and multiple desires, while still remaining focused on the things that we can control in our lives, and to give ourselves time to rest and enjoy life.
We also had the Lovers reversed come out, which just signals to me that we’ve been teetering on making big choices and changes in our lives, even though that is the way we have been called. You’ve probably had a mental breakthrough regarding this area, and this new moon is pushing you to prioritizing your heart and joy to push through the fear to go after your 10 of Cups ♡.
I wore green for this video because I really felt like the heart space was a focus, and I think this reading confirmed that. When we go through hard times in life, and are juggling a bunch of different aspects, it can be easy to falling into a “woe is me” mindset. We are being reminded that we aren’t alone in this journey, and to have patience as we sort everything out in a way that makes the most sense for us. We also have to listen to our intuition as it tries to guide us, and that takes practice slowing down and having trust in yourself even when it seems like nothing makes sense.
This is just another cycle for us to move through. Another chance for us to stop resisting the changes trying to make their way into our lives. ♡
THEMES: Surrender, Worlds Within Worlds, Intuition
As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back and see if these themes have been present and reoccurring for us. Previous full moon in Cancer December 26 2023, previous new moon in Cancer July 17 2023. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy and enlightening new moon ♡
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