Cancer Last Quarter Moon  🌗♋️  | Cut through the chaos + confusion & take control of your life again

Cancer Last Quarter Moon 🌗♋️ | Cut through the chaos + confusion & take control of your life again

Hello Witches! This Cancer Last Quarter Moon is happening September 24th, 2024. Cancer is a cardinal water sign, ruled by the Moon. Some basic keywords for Cancer include: sensitive, intuitive, emotional, sympathetic, imaginative, loving, shrewd, sentimental, romantic, protective, cautious, changeable, touchy, clinging, moody, & so on.

I did a collective tarot reading on this last quarter moon phase to see what was coming up. You can watch that video here ⤵️

 ✨Last Quarter Moons: midway to New Moon, energy still decreasing, reflection, shedding, looking at how you’ve evolved, applying self-forgiveness, being gentle, continuing to de-clutter our space and our minds, can be intense if fighting release, continue releasing.

Angel Numbers: 111, 444, 555, 999, 1010

-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-

Matters of the heart was the initial message with this last quarter moon (strength card), and we had the Justice card at the bottom of the deck. I feel this is going to be a time of re-examining how we are viewing things in our lives: are we being influenced by nostalgia or societal / familial pressure? We may be sitting on some information that came up recently and still avoiding making a solid decision. I feel this is definitely showing up in our family or close friend groups where we have been very conflicted and confused on what to do, but the truth is that the fight is already over, there is no winner at this point, you are just going in circles.

The 10 of Wands with the 5 of Wands shows up to validate that stress and burden that you have been feeling. You are feeling weighed down and possibly overly responsible for other peoples issues, creating more of that burnt out feeling and that internal conflict. You have your own life to be managing and focusing on but you feel too obliged to dealing with these people. This is leading to overwhelm and sudden bursts of anger. It’s okay to let people know you do not have the time/energy to spare for their stuff right now, the people who respect you and your life will understand.

This will likely be coming from family for a lot of you, and it may expose the toxic patterns your family has lived by for generations. It’s not your responsibility to awaken them to these patterns, which they may not be receptive to your input on it anyway. The 5 of Cups comes to let us know we are “crying over spilled milk.” That’s not to say it isn’t painful to realize we have unbalanced relationships, it certainly is, but this isn’t new and we have to take responsibility for keeping ourselves stuck in this painful loop. We don’t have to cut these people off, but we need to create some space/distance so we actually have energy to invest in ourselves. 

You have been feeling the pull and call to do something about this for awhile, and now we are at a head that is asking you if you are going to go around in circles again or make a new decision. This is a wound that hasn’t been able to properly heal— so now is the time to open it back up so we can heal it properly.

With the Knight of Wands + Queen of Cups showing up next, I feel this is where we want to be directing our energy. There is this burst of inspiration that you simply haven’t had the freedom to explore, and now the Universe is asking you if you will make that time to acknowledge what’s been building in you. The Fool reversed shows we are afraid to make this leap, but this path is calling to you for a reason. “Do it scared.” 

The 4 of Pentacles reversed is advising us to get stingier with our time/money/energy, but don’t let this close you off to new possibilities and new connections. This message is especially prominent for those of you who have been constantly lending money to someone. It’s time to pull that back and really focus on investing your money into yourself. There are new connections (business and romantic) waiting for you to have the time to walk towards them.

The Integrity card makes ANOTHER appearance (if you’ve watched my recent moon readings you’ll know this one has been coming out every single moon reading). We are REALLY being pushed to align with our values. Are you following your own word? 

We also had the Time Out card, really telling us to take a BREAK from this chaos. Put the phone down, get out in nature, take a breather, and let your mind have time to declutter. If you think you don’t have enough time, it’s time to make that time. Remember that saying “if you don’t make time for rest, your body will force you to”

Lastly we had the Cosmic Connection card, signaling to us to really connect with our spiritual practices now. These challenges are coming through to see if you will step up to the plate to raise your vibration and learn these lessons so you can align with who you are trying to become.

THEMES: Integrity, Time Out, Cosmic Connection


Thank you all for watching/reading this collective reading. I post weekly moon phase readings over on my Youtube channel if you would like to head over there and subscribe, I would greatly appreciate the support! The next reading will be on the Libra New Moon + Solar Eclipse happening on October 2nd. I will see you all then! ♡ 

P.S. a lil reminder that all of our intention spell oils are on sale until I sell them out, and if you bundle an oil with a spell jar you will get an extra $2 off your order 🫶🏻

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