Aquarius New Moon ♒️🌑| First New Moon of 2025
This Aquarius new moon is peaking January 29th 2025, at 7:35 am est. This will also be our first new moon of 2025, and the Lunar new year!
✨New Moons: new beginnings, reflecting & releasing, setting intentions, emotional shedding, new ideas, inspiration, planting seeds or nurturing previous ones, shadow work, banishing.
Signs that will be impacted most: Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus
RELEVANT ANGEL NUMBERS: 1111, 222, 444, 666, 999
I did a collective tarot reading on this New Moon, looking into the overall energy of this new moon and what we can expect to come up with it. You can watch that video on my YouTube here ⤵️
-♡-♡-♡- READING SUMMARY -♡-♡-♡-
We started this Aquarius New Moon with the 2 of Pentacles in reverse, immediately calling to focus where we are currently putting the majority of our time/money/energy/attention. Where are you currently spending or over-consuming? Especially for those of us in the United States, with the current state of our country and many people and corporations revealing their true agendas (make money, manipulate consumers, pretend to be inclusive?), this is an important time to take stock of where you are literally spending your money. The Moon card also signals to me more deception and generally unknown motives.
This is a good time to turn inward, examine your own energy. The goal of these corporations and government entities is to confuse us, to keep us feeling scattered, and ultimately feeling helpless. Take a real look at what you are consuming and what is influencing your subconscious. Where are you at emotionally? Are you losing hope? Are you feeling more stressed out?
I’m not suggesting to be uninformed, but I am suggesting that we need more emotional regulation and coping skills at hand so that we do not get swept away by the torrent of chaos and gloom. How can you be informed without overwhelming yourself? The King of Cups rv points to letting our emotions run wild and that we are losing all ability to stand firm in these rough patches. It’s okay to get emotional, but again, what coping skills do you have at hand to make sure this doesn’t become a spiral?
We then had the Star (rv) come out, reflecting back that feeling of hopelessness, particularly around our physical security and safety. I believe this is reflecting how we are feeling insecure and our hopes are running low— but with the King of Pentacles and 9 of Pentacles at the bottom of the deck, I feel this is a nudge to remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel, however we also need to put int physical work to bring out manifestation and dreams into reality. Manifestation / Magical workings take some level of physical action to create that reality.
What physical ways can you take care of yourself and your community? How can you hold onto hope? Hope is the spark that keeps us going through times like these. It’s okay to be scared and upset, but it’s also okay to continue to feed your joys. Joy in itself is an act of rebellion in times like these. It may also be a good idea for you to find physical groups to be apart of. Isolation can make us feel alone and even more hopeless. Being around others, especially likeminded people, helps us notice that things aren’t all doom and gloom. There is still room for love, joy, and HOPE!
Circling back to the King of Pentacles, an energy who is very good with directing their own TIME/MONEY/ENERGY/RESOURCES. Where are you spending these things? This question is very prominent this New Moon. Who are you inadvertently supporting with your time/money/energy? How can you spread that to people/places/things you care about? (Shopping more with small businesses is a good way to start).
Overall, we are mentally overloaded by the news and propaganda around us. It will be our job to having a grounding practice in place so we do not get swept away in it all. The 10 of Cups rv comes out as yet another reminder for us put more focus on our emotional state. It is totally valid and okay to be feeling the way you do, but if you continue to let yourself “crash out,” you will not be able to make logical decisions that can help yourself or others through these times.
We cannot lose sight of our joy/dreams. We need to follow what our intuition is pulling us towards. It may feel wrong to do these things in this climate, but trust me, it’s not! We need more joy, we need more love, more trusting yourself! What is important to you? What symbols are you noticing that are speaking to your intuition? There is a large group here of people really strengthening their connection to their intuition, and it’s important to continue following that pull no matter how confusing it may seem.
There is also an energy of dreading making decisions (9 of Swords rv, The Lovers). I feel this is a fork in the road situation that your anxiety is running away with. These decisions will set you on a path one way or another. We had the Devil card a the bottom of the deck here, which is a counterpart to The Lovers card. The two characters from The Lovers are bound in (loose) chains before the Devil, facing the consequences of their choices.
The key to remember here is that these chains are LOOSE, and you are free to make different choices and leave behind this “hell”. We usually end up at the Devil card when we make the “easy” choice, or follow our temptation, or our addiction, or our comfort zone. You are not bound to these beliefs you hold that make you think there is only one way forward. You can make a difference, in yourself and in the bigger picture.
This decision may come down to relationships, jobs, or other spaces in your life— however I do feel for a lot of people it has to do with your relationship with yourself and the care you give to yourself. Are you going to take the “easy” road? Or the road less traveled? The one with more commitment, more awareness, and ultimately more love for yourself.
Lastly we had the 6 of Swords come out, which to me just points to forward movement and being picky about what you’re bringing forward with you. In the photo, there are 6 swords in the boat you are sailing. There is only so much room on your boat, so what do you want to bring forward with you? Which beliefs? Which people? The Hermit at the bottom of the deck is a reminder that we need to go inward to find these answers. This is a time to disconnect and clear your head of the distractions and the never-ending onslaught of doom + gloom. Remember you are powerful, you have authority over yourself, and you have the power to make changes, even if they seem small and inconsequential. They are all making an impact.
For the oracle card themes of this New Moon, we had the Shine, Choices, Worlds within Worlds, and Intuition Card. These are all reminders to continue shining our light, to understand that spreading our joy can be contagious, and it’s important to continue to feed our dreams even if it seems impossible. Another reminder that choices need to be made. Which choice will best support your souls growth? World within Worlds is a reminder to turn inward again. It is also a reminder that our micro decisions influence that macro.
Use your discernment. Trust yourself. Don’t get swept away in the chaos around you. Understand that little steps forward are important for the bigger picture. Continue shining your unique light.
THEMES: Shine, Choices, Worlds Within Worlds, Intuition
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As always I like to mention the previous new/full moon of the current moon sign so that we can look back & see if these themes have been present & reoccurring for us. Previous full moon in Aquarius: August 19 2024, & the previous new moon in Aquarius: February 9 2024. Check your journals or your camera roll to help jog your memory.
I hope you have an easy & enlightening new moon ♡
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